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파이션(python) 초등 완전 기초: 조건문(Conditions and Conditional Statements) 조건 (Conditions) print(2 > 3) 결과: False var_one = 1 var_two = 2 print(var_one = var_one) 결과: False True 기호(Symbol) 의미 == 같다 (equals) != 같지 않다 (does not equal) = 크거나 같다 (greater than or equal to) 조건문(Conditional Statements) "if" 조건문 def evaluate_temp(temp): # Set an initial message message = "Normal temperature." # Update value of message only if temperature greater than 38 if .. 2023. 2. 10.
파이션(python) 초등 완전 기초: 데이타 타입(Data Types) 정수(Integers) x = 14 print(x) print(type(x)) 결과: 14 실수(Floats) nearly_pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 print(nearly_pi) print(type(nearly_pi)) 결과: 3.141592653589793 불린(Booleans): 참, 거짓 z_one = True print(z_one) print(type(z_one)) 결과:True z_three = (1 < 2) print(z_three) print(type(z_three)) 결과: True z_five = not z_three print(z_five) print(type(z_five)) 결과: Fals.. 2023. 2. 9.
파이션(python) 초등 완전 기초: 함수(Function) 함수 생성 "add_three" 함수 생성 # Define the function def add_three(input_var): output_var = input_var + 3 return output_var 함수 사용 # Run the function with 10 as input new_number = add_three(10) # Check that the value is 13, as expected print(new_number) 결과: 13 함수 멀티 파라미터(multiple arguments) def get_pay_with_more_inputs(num_hours, hourly_wage, tax_bracket): # Pre-tax pay pay_pretax = num_hours * hourly_w.. 2023. 2. 9.